An amazing $9,000 plus was raised by the Warragul Women Golfers for Breast Cancer Research Trials recently. The superb result came about because of the hard work of the organising committee, the generosity of the Warragul Country Club and the equally generous support from businesses in the Warragul CBD and last, but not least, the generous support from the Women golfers themselves.
Getting into the spirit of the day, the Women golfers dress up in predominantly pink costumes with some clever and amusing takes on various themes. This year’s winner of the Best Dressed Team were ‘The Bakers’ with pink bakers’ hats, pink shirts and pink aprons with a description of each player’s golfing skills printed on the front of the apron. Congratulations to Kerri Ahearn, Kylie Wendt and Sue Rose for winning this year’s prestigious honour.
A good field of 69 players tackled the golf side of the day, playing with a Pink ball to liven things up a bit, plus our usual ‘Nearest the Bra’ and ‘Nearest the Boobs’ novelty golf awards. Kerri Ahearn was the winner of ‘Nearest the Bra’, while Marlene Wight won ‘Nearest the Boobs’. Huge thanks and our deep gratitude to the Warragul Country Club staff for the excellent lunch, the support in setting up and cleaning up the Function Room, and for every other assistance provided before the day. Everything ran so smoothly for us and the fact that we raised a record-breaking amount, made all of us very happy and proud of our Club.

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