News Archive

18th April 2020

Important Golf Update 18/04/2020

Important Golf Update 18/04/2020
Dear Golf Members,
Further to my update on the clubs website on Thursday, I provide the latest on the opening of golf courses for the purpose of recreation.
I also note that the events of the past 2 days are well covered in today’s Herald Sun, as is the current position of the ban.
What occurred is we received advice from the Covid Directions team at DHHS yesterday that utilising the golf course for recreation purposes and in groups of 2 was NOT banned under the current Directives.
Via our legal advice, we were aware of this and so in conjunction with Matt Green at Gary Blackwoods office we have been prosecuting this position all week, direct to the Covid Directions team and also to Golf Australia.   We received a positive response yesterday and it was that email response to Gary Blackwoods office that is the source of the current media reports.
Unfortunately for Members, last night the Chief Health Office then moved to further amend the current Directions to specifically name golf courses as a banned facility.   A link to the new Directions is attached here.
Restricted Activities Directions (No 4)
I would like to thank Matt Green and Gary Blackwood for their support in this matter.
We will continue to lobby and prosecute for golf courses to be permitted venues for “Members only” to exercise, not only in a safe manner, but also under the strict social distancing restrictions that would apply.

Again, I encourage you and your families to take care and stay safe.
With warm regards

Michael Hodge                                           
Chief Executive Officer

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16th April 2020

Golf Update

Golf Update

Dear Members,

The Club has received legal advice relating to changes made last week to Directions issued by the Dept of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Some of these changes apply to Golf.  On Tuesday, the Club referred this advice to Golf Australia (GA) for their opinion and advice.   GA have referred our legal advice to DHHS. As at today, we still await a response.

I wish to advise Members that the Club will continue to advocate, where is it appropriate, for a return to golf and to keep Members informed on this critically important issue.

I will provide a further update when GA respond.

Yours sincerely,
Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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14th April 2020

Titleist Loyalty Promotion

Titleist Loyalty Promotion

Dear club member,
The Titleist Loyalty Rewarded Promotion is here. For a limited time, purchase 3 dozen personalised Pro V1, Pro V1x or AVX golf balls and receive 1 dozen FREE.
At a time where it matters most to stay home, we have teamed up with Titleist to bring you an opportunity to receive a quote and place your order for this promotion online. There’s no need to leave the house, we will send the Golf Balls direct to you!
Simply click on the button below to be redirected to the Titleist online order form. Please select our club from the dropdown menu at the top.


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6th April 2020

Daily Handicap

Daily Handicap

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3rd April 2020

A Message from the CEO & Chairperson

A Message from the CEO & Chairperson

Dear Members,
We would like to update you on the latest situation with regards to the Club and golf activities. We can confirm the following:
1) The Club has registered with the ATO for the purpose of employee Job Keeper payments which has been very well received by our staff. We have approximately 78 permanent and casual who are eligible, so this is an important assistance package for the Staff of the Warragul Country Club.
2) Like a lot of other businesses and individuals we have been in discussions with our bank and can confirm that the appropriate mechanisms are in place to ensure that financially we will be able to ride out this period of shutdown. The cash flow projections relevant to the Shutdown of our operations has been completed, and that has assisted us in our discussions with the bank.
3) In respect to Golf, the CEO has been in constant contact with Golf Australia (GA). The obvious question being, why can NSW golf courses be open but not Victoria? The advice is that it is because it is the State Government Department of Health & Human Services who is making these decisions for Victoria. Their direction to Golf Victoria is that Golf Courses are to be closed. We continue to lobby GA who in turn continue to lobby the Department as well as the Premier and the Minister for Sport & Recreation to review this ban and reopen golf courses. Members please note that this can only be done on the basis of the strict social distancing directions that we had in force prior to closure of our golf course last Saturday. As at today, 3 April 2020, our advice from GA is that they still await responses from the Premier.
In respect to questions that we have been receiving from Members over the past week, we have provided a summary of those in a Q & A format is as follows.
When will our course likely re-open?
The Victorian Government Health and Human Services departments have applied an end date of 13 April 2020 to the current restrictions. However, as this is only two weeks away, we believe Government restrictions could be in place well past this date.
Is the golf course being maintained during the closure?
Yes, but on a skeleton staff basis to ensure that when we return to golf, we can quickly ramp up the resources and get the course to the usual standard for Members.
Will our scheduled events for the 2020 golfing calendar still go ahead?
The Match Committee will work with management to look at possible alternate dates for major Club golfing events.
Will I receive a rebate on my membership fees?
The WCC Board are conscious of this issue, and until such time as we are in a position to understand the full extent and consequences of this shutdown, no immediate decision will be made. Members will be updated on this important issue as well as the financial implications to the Club of the Shutdown.
How can I help the Club?
We are very grateful to the Members that have reached out and asked how they can assist the Club in any way they are able to. The generosity of our members reflects on what a great Club we have. Some Summer Members have asked if they can still take up the 18 months offer. Yes, you can. Please ring the CEO Michael Hodge on 0418 325 252 who will be only too pleased to arrange that for you.
Club contacts?
Any Member requiring assistance or with any queries about the Club, please feel free to call the CEO Michael Hodge on 0418 325 252.
Finally, on behalf of the Board and our Management team, I would like to express our thanks to you the Members for your patience, understanding, support and feedback during this unique period. We are all a part of this great Club and we are all in this together. I encourage you and your families to take care and stay safe as we look forward to the days when we can once again walk our amazing course and come back together as friends.
With warm regards,
Michael Hodge                                                                          Kaye Rollinson
CEO                                                                                              Chairperson

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