News Archive

28th March 2020



As a consequence of the Governments latest direction, the Golf Course will be closed to all forms of play – effective immediately.

This comes after the Club received legal advice late Thursday afternoon in respect to the State Governments directions handed down on Wednesday evening that were to take effect from Thursday 26 March 2020 onwards. The legal advice is that the continuation of competition golf would be a breach of the Government Directions. 
Late Friday evening (27th March), the Club also received correspondence from Golf Australia (see below). 
“It is Golf Australia’s recommendation that, based on the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services directive issued as part of the Victorian Government’s Stage 2 restrictions regarding COVID-19, all golf clubs and facilities should close as soon as practicable until April 13, 2020.”
As a result, one member of the golf course maintenance team will be on duty for essential maintenance and upkeep work and will also be enforcing adherence to the directives in the event a Member or guest uses the golf course.
We ask that do your part and abide by these directives.  We hope that in time, we will be back to playing golf at Warragul as we have always known it.  See you all again soon 👋

If members have any questions or wish to discuss anything related to the above, they can contact Michael Hodge on  0418 325 252 or Heath Jones 0407 660 633
Click here for advice from bsp Lawyers
Click here for Golf Australia Statement
Thank you & stay safe,
Michael Hodge                                                Kaye Rollinson
Chief Executive Officer                                   Chairperson

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26th March 2020

An important message to our Golf Members

An important message to our Golf Members

As you are all aware we are in the midst of a viral pandemic that has affected communities around the globe. Many golf courses have been closed around the State, and the clubs who remain open have implemented restrictions for any upcoming events and fields.
As the government enforces more restrictions in hope to flatten the curve, social distancing and hygienic practices must be strictly adhered to. The perception of the Warragul Country Club brand within our community is extremely important to us, and as such our golf committee have implemented the following changes to tee times for competitions for the foreseeable future.
Changes to this weekend’s competition
This Saturday’s field is almost booked out and the committee feels such a large gathering is not adhering to the current Government directive.  As a result Saturday’s current two tee start timesheet is cancelled and instead we offer two separate competitions on Saturday and SundayNew rules are as follows:

  • Open timesheets are in place allowing for family members to play together, adhering to our current cart policy (see below for policy).
  • Introduction of one tee starts.
  • 10 minute interval tee times.
  • Tee times are from 7:00am – 2:40pm.
  • Maximum 3 players per group.

Please note that if there are vacant tee times available, Members may play both days.
New rules for ALL competition days
Further to the above changes and to avoid Members congregating the following rules have been put in place for all competition days for the foreseeable future.

  • Members are not to congregate around the Pro Shop or the course.
  • All putting greens are closed until further notice.
  • Sharing of equipment is prohibited.
  • Members are required to park at the back of the Clubhouse on the practice fairway and gravel carpark.Members with trailers will have the option to park in front car park.
  • Players are to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before their tee time and then proceed to register at the pro shop.
  • Only card payments will be accepted – no cash.
  • Member’s cards will not be swiped.
  • No flags or rakes on the course – you are not permitted to bring your own flag to indicate pin location.
  • Holes have been modified to decrease their depth.  Any ball that goes in the hole and bounces out as a result of the hole being modified will be treated as in the hole.

I understand that these rules may appear extreme, however in the given climate the uncertainty of golf is high and we should all do our bit to preserve the sport we love.
So please, do you part and abide by these directives and enjoy the game of golf.
We hope that in time, we will be back to playing golf at Warragul as we have always known it.
All the best,
Heath Jones
Director of Golf
Warragul Country Club

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26th March 2020

Update from the Chairperson

Update from the Chairperson

Today the Board met to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Warragul Country Club.  Over the past fortnight we have constantly monitored the situation and have adapted our practices to align with Government directives and legal advice.
Our aim has been to maintain that the Club stay open as long as possible.  Last week we developed a plan on how to continue to operate under the 100 person indoor restriction however this was short lived and unfortunately on Monday we found we had no choice but to close our food and gaming activities.
It has been an extremely hard week for our staff.  I have to congratulate Michael and his team on how well they have managed this week.   Most managers have never in their working life had to deal with such complex and changing issues.  Our focus has been to ensure the welfare of our staff and assisting them with the temporary loss of their jobs.
Our aim is still to keep the course open to our members as long as legally possible.  Later today you will hear from our Director of Golf, Heath, on our latest restrictions on operating the club. These restrictions were developed by our greens committee, in a meeting held yesterday, and I would like to thank them for their contribution.  I ask you all to follow these new rules, we are lucky to be able to play golf at the moment and this may be taken away from us.  Social distancing and good hand hygiene are non-negotiable as well as congregating around the Club before and after your game.
We will keep you informed regularly of any changes for the Club.
Please stay safe and respect your fellow members.

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24th March 2020

Vale ~ Kevin O'Brien

Vale ~ Kevin O'Brien

One of the unfortunate restrictions of the State’s shut down provisions is that Kevin’s funeral and celebration of life will be a graveside service for family and a limited few.    A lot of Members will therefore be unable to attend the service and with that in mind I thought it appropriate to acknowledge Kevin’s outstanding contribution to this Club, over many years and a little about that contribution.
The name Kevin O’Brien prominently adorns the Club’s honour boards and it reflects very well on his service and his contribution.  A long serving member of the Men’s Golf Committee he completed 6 terms as President from 2003 – 2004 and again from 2010 – 2013.
He was Captain of the Club from 1998 – 2000 and again from 2007 – 2008.   Kevin was also C Grade Champion in 1990.
Kevin was a long serving member of the Club, a passionate golfer and a great volunteer contributor in many ways.  He was the tournament organizer for the annual Warragul tournament for many years which included organising sponsors and promoting the event throughout Gippsland.   Kevin was also on the task force which was responsible for setting up the Country Club constitution and the men’s golf rules when the structure of the Club changed.
Right up until his passing, Kevin volunteered his time every Friday night assisting with the Club’s Friday night raffle.   A great contributor, a friend to many and someone who will be sadly missed by all at the Club.

Thank you,
Michael Hodge

Chief Executive Officer

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24th March 2020

Important Golf Update

Important Golf Update

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and Government regulations, please remember no matter what your personal view on the current situation, Club management, the board, golf committees and staff have the best interests of our members and guests at the forefront of our actions. We encourage members and guests to make every effort to conduct themselves in a safe and hygienic manner when visiting the Club.
Over the coming months we will be doing everything we can to get through this tough time, your cooperation and understanding is appreciated. We will keep you up to date with when the current climate changes.

Pro Shop

Please adhere to the social distancing guidelines while in the shop: maintain a 1.5 meter distance between patrons and the counter and staff, limit the number of members and guests in the shop at any one time (as a guide 6 people including staff) so we adhere to 1 person per four square meters rule, avoid using cash and use the hand sanitiser provided.
– No Cash Transactions
– Card Only
– Tap & Go Preferred
– Membership Cards will not be swiped during transactions at this time.   We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Golf Carts

A restriction of 1 person per golf cart is necessary to adhere with social distancing advice of 1.5m, This applies to both Club and privately owned carts. A discounted rate of $10 will be offered to all members and we ask that you respect this policy while out on the course.  Again, these are measures we are asking members to adhere to, to minimise the risk of infection.
This will obviously place a greater demand on our cart fleet so please if you require a cart make sure that you book it in advance with the proshop.
Exception: Family members may ride together

 Timesheets & Guest Play

From Wednesday 25th March, all public bookings will be advised that the course is only open to members.  Golfers with golflink handicaps will be eligible for competition play during the week.  On advice form Golf Australia, we are comfortable that golfers from within our district are ok to play.

From Monday 30th March, all timesheets will be a “One Tee Start”. and have increased spacing. This is to alleviate crowds gathering around the Pro Shop and practice areas.  Saturdays will be an open timesheet all day, allowing husband & wives/partners the opportunity to share a cart on the day.

Golf Club Competition Advice

Golf Australia is not currently advocating for regular club competitions to cease and we are encouraging that these continue. However, it will be important to continue to monitor Federal and State Government announcements over the coming days that may impact on golf operations.

At all times whilst at the Club or otherwise, Members should practise social distancing, avoid group gatherings anywhere – especially within the golf shop, continue to wash their hands regularly and avoid touching their faces.

Warragul CC Temporary Local Rules

Flag Sticks

The committees have agreed to have no flag sticks at all at this time.  This is to help mitigate the spread of this terrible virus.

Whilst it is something very foreign to us, removing flags doesn’t serve to favour any one individual.  We have distance markers on the fairways indicating to the centre of all greens and most of our membership has GPS or distance measuring devices at their disposal.

Bunkers – Preferred Lies

Rakes have been removed from all bunkers on course. As a result, a preferred lie of a card length (no nearer the hole) will apply in bunkers.

Players will be requested to smooth bunkers using their feet or a club after they have played their shot.


In view of concerns about handling and exchanging scorecards, on a temporary basis,

– Players may enter their own hole scores on the scorecard (it is not necessary for a marker to do it).
– It is not necessary to have a marker physically certify the player’s hole scores, but some form of verbal certification should take place.
Players will be printed a card and will be asked to fill out their own scorecard for the day.

Please also note that we have turned off the communal touch screens to avoid potential infection, cards are to be deposited in the scorecard return. We are currently considering options to process paper scorecards safely by our staff.  As a result, there will be a delay in compiling competition results for the day.

Results will be posted as per normal on the club website.

We appreciate your continued support of the Club during this time and further your cooperation of the latest actions to assist in containing the spread of (COVID-19) in the Club and the wider community.
Thank you
Heath Jones
Director of Golf


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