News Archive

24th March 2020

CEO Update

CEO Update

Further to my communication this morning, the Club has received its specific legal advice in respect to continuing with golf course play and operating the Pro Shop. I have reproduced that advice for your information.
It is as follows.

The details of the closures are contained in the ‘Non-Essential Business Closure Directions’ (the Directions).

The Directions define ‘non-essential business or undertaking’ as including “a business characterised as a pub, bar or club that supplies alcohol under a general licence, an on-premises licence or a club licence, but not including any part of the business constituted by a bottle shop”, and ‘an indoor sporting centre’.

It is our advice that the intention of the Directions is that they apply to the business of the supply of liquor at particular kinds of premises – not to another type of business or activity conducted by the same entity. The wording “pub, bar or club” is referring to the premises where the liquor is being supplied not to the entity which holds the liquor licence. In other words “club” means the club’s licensed premises not to the club as an entity.

It would also produce an absurdity to conclude that ‘unlicensed’ outdoor sporting clubs are able to operate where licensed outdoor sporting clubs may not.

Separately listed are ‘indoor sporting centres’. This is, in our view, intended to apply separately to licensed clubs that have an ancillary sporting component.

It is our advice that a licensed club can therefore continue the operation of outdoor sporting facilities, including golf, and any retail adjuncts (including the pro shop). The club must, however, cease operation of the licensed clubhouse for social use.

That being said, it is our advice that the operation of a recreational facility (even an outdoor one), may be contrary to the intention of the Directions and the governments initiatives to try and actively discourage non-essential recreational activities. It is further advised that, even if not explicitly prohibited currently, given the rapidly changing landscape it would be unwise to assume that it will not be addressed in due course.

We note that retail shops are permitted to continue operating, including sporting goods and ‘pro shops’. We consider that this would permit such retail premises to operate even where conjoined to a licensed club.

We suggest the following measures might be considered in the current circumstances:

  • 1 person per golf cart. Members discount will apply on golf carts.
  • Greater separation between groups.
  • Requiring golfers to sign a waiver that they have not been overseas in the last 14 days, are feeling unwell or have had any exposure to anyone with the virus.

Whilst it is “play on”, the above advice is realistically suggesting that in this frequently changing landscape this may not be for long. With that in mind I stress to all Golf Members to take the social distancing guidelines seriously and particularly one person per golf cart.
Be conscious of the “passing by traffic” as they may conclude that the Golf Club is ignoring the Government directions and may take it upon themselves to report the same to the Police.
Heath will shortly issue more specific rules and guidelines for tournament play. Please look out for these and strictly observe and most importantly stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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24th March 2020

Executive Chef Position

Executive Chef Position

I would like to inform Members that our Executive Chef Christian Creedy has decided to cease employment with the Club effective immediately.
Christian has made an outstanding contribution to the Club and with 16 years of service to this Club he was very respected and a key member of the management team.
Christian mentored and trained many apprentices in his 16 years at the Club and a lot of those apprentices have gone on to become significant players within the hospitality industry. He leaves a great legacy in this regard.
On behalf of the Board, staff and Members we extend our appreciation to Christian and we wish him well in his future endeavours.
Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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23rd March 2020

CEO Update – Venue Shutdown

CEO Update – Venue Shutdown

The Club has officially implemented venue shut down as at midday today (23.03.2020).
We have sought legal advice as to the golf course, it’s outdoor recreation facility status and “Member only” access.
I will publish this advice as it arrives.
The focus for today is on venue shutdown and implications and support packages for our employees. Regular communications to Members and our staff in these uncertain times is also a key priority for myself and the Warragul Country Club Board.
Thank you,
Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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19th March 2020

CEO Update / Communication

CEO Update / Communication

With things moving so quickly I just wanted to give all Members an update from the CEO as to where OUR Club currently stands from an operations and a business point of view, as at this afternoon.
1) We will be posting various communications this morning on all our websites and by email so please keep your eye out for them.
2) Our message is, we are very much open for business, but on the restrictions applied by the Gov’t and the business downturn we are seeing. The WCC Board is not currently considering any self-imposed shut downs of our operations, however there will be, and there is, modifications to how each of our business units will operate. For instance, functions & events has virtually closed although we are today holding an education Dept conference and we do have the odd function over the coming weeks still booked in. Other modifications, is the 100 capacity limit being another.
3) The 100 capacity limit. There is considerable argument in the pub and club industry about the definition of a single enclosed area and the 100 limit. I will advise further on this critically important issue when it is clear how this is defined.
4) Golf proceeds as normal and in accordance with all the suggestions and advice that you would be reading from GA and local Golf Assoc. For next Saturday and Wed, we would like to implement the above changes for your presentations and for your “”after golf”” gathering in the venue.
5) Going forward, we will monitor the situation and this includes the financial numbers and the patronage in our various areas.  That data will inform the Board as to any further measures that the Club may take to limit its financial risk and exposure.
6) In addition to the Members, the venue staffing and our people is the other critical consideration from a health and personal wellbeing point of view. So to, is their continued employment. As you would understand we are a large casual workforce business and I would have to say that it is the casual workforce that is feeling the brunt of our decisions to downsize our workforce to the current levels. Unfortunately this is not over and it is not a static situation.  This will mean we will need to keep making the necessary changes as the situation unfolds.
7) Financially, we had a great Jan and Feb 2020 and were $130K ahead of the budget at that time. The full year 19/20 projected cash profit budget was approx $1.4mill (that is our cash budget and this number excludes depreciation) so we were heading for better than 1.53mill in my view. Approx $1mill of that is spent on mandatory capital expenditure items like debt reduction ($564K), gaming machines, machinery and equipment, golf course projects, etc etc leaving a balance of approx $530K which is what I refer to as “free cash”. It’s that half a million of free cash that will provide the ample buffer we need to ride out the significant financial impact of coronavirus.  Obviously there are a few unknowns to play out, (the length of time it goes on and the actual bottom line impact on a weekly basis) but at least we have the reserves to deal with this. We have also made all the obvious expenditure cuts you would make at a time like this. In terms of managing the Club’s finances it is anything but standard at the moment. Being only 7 days in (in terms of the impact on our business) its early days and we continue to monitor the facts, the data and the revenues on a daily basis.
8) Communication is critical at any time and even more so now. We will continue to ramp up the communications to members and please feel free to send any emails to me or discuss with me any questions or concerns being expressed by the Members or the staff.
I hope this email has put a bit of clarity into Club Operations and the key issues facing the WCC Board, the Management team and staff at this point in time. The Board will be holding a special meeting tomorrow to further discuss and consider all the key issues that we currently face.
Thank you,
Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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17th March 2020

Golf Australia Update

Golf Australia Update

As you are aware, COVID-19 or the Coronavirus as it is more commonly known has created global health concerns regarding the disease and its infection rates.
Golf Australia is writing to provide further assistance and guidance to our clubs and facilities on this important topic.
It is Golf Australia’s recommendation to clubs and facilities that advice from the Australian Government’s Department of Health should be monitored closely over the coming days and weeks, as well as the  Australian Government’s Smartraveller website.  Advice may change from day to day.
Please note, Golf Australia remains fully operational for all of your clubs and facilities support, rules and handicapping and competition management requirements. For contact details of each departmental area, please visit
Member, Guest and Staff travel advice
If your members or guests have recently returned from overseas, they are now required by law to self-isolate for 14 days upon their return, as of midnight on Sunday, March 15. During this period, they should not visit your facility for any reason.
If – in the 14 days prior to Sunday, March 15 – your members or guests have recently returned from or transited through China, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mongolia or South Korea, we recommend that they do not visit your facility for any reason – including use of the golf course only – until the 14 day period has elapsed.
We further recommend that if – in the 14 days prior to Sunday March 15 – members or guests recently returned from or who have transited through Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand or from a cruise holiday and who are experiencing flu-like symptoms do not visit your facility, including use of the golf course only, for 14 days.
For simple, easy to understand advice for your members and guests including important health tips, you can also refer to the  World Health Organisation’s advice for the public website.
Member, Guest and Staff health advice
Golf clubs and facilities are often heavily trafficked, and there is a chance that a member, guest or member of your staff will be exposed to, or test positive to, COVID-19.
It is vitally important that if a member, guest or staff member tests positive to COVID-19, they must inform the club/facility as soon as possible. If this has occurred, anyone testing positive will be contacted by the State/Territory Department of Health in relation to contact tracing. You should then take advice on ongoing facility operations from your State/Territory Department of Health.
Playing Golf:
It should be noted that the vast majority of golfers can and should continue to visit your clubs or facility as per normal. Of course, golfers should exhibit a heightened awareness of personal hygiene as has been encouraged by state and federal health departments.
Clubhouse & Golf Operations:
Clubs should consider reviewing their clubhouse and golf operations ensuring procedures are in place that minimise close person-to-person contact where possible. It is up to club and facility management to consider whether policies on clubhouse opening hours, course opening hours and visitor access require review at this time.
It is important for club boards and management to review contingencies to plan stages ahead for club operations should public information change.
Practices within clubhouses should display a heightened regard for the sanitation of surfaces, of which your cleaning chemical provider will be able to provide guidance on.
Staff and volunteers should exhibit a heightened awareness of personal hygiene as has been encouraged by state and federal health departments.
Course Maintenance Operations:
Clubs and facilities should consider reviewing their course maintenance operations ensuring procedures are in place that minimise close person-to-person contact. Practices within the course maintenance team should display a heightened regard for the sanitation of surfaces, including machinery controls, of which your cleaning chemical provider will be able to provide guidance on. Staff and volunteers should exhibit a heightened awareness of personal hygiene as has been encouraged by state and federal health departments.
Clubs should also consider separating course maintenance staff in to separate shifts to help ensure continuity should self-isolation among your course maintenance staff be required.
Examples of easy to implement changes to regular operations:
Some examples of changes for clubs and facilities that will help reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 include:

  • Place signage around clubhouse along with hand sanitisers
  • Remove use of member cards in place of providing member number at point of sale purchases
  • Remove shared items such as complimentary cheese and crackers
  • Where possible, leaving doors ajar removing the need to push doors open or turn door knobs
  • No hand shaking
  • No dollar bets
  • Use drink trays for rounds of drinks
  • Remove items such as shoe cleaners, sun creams, hair brushes and combs, hair gel and hair dryers from locker rooms
  • Sanitise motorised carts, push buggy and sand bucket handles, air compressor handles, before and after use
  • Encourage golfers to wear their putting glove when removing the flag stick and when raking bunkers
  • Remove cash transactions and encourage ‘Pay-Wave’ transactions where no contact is required
  • Remove small pins from practice putting greens

Golf club event advice
Today, Golf Australia has taken the decision to cancel all GA-run events through May 16, 2020.
These include:

  • Australian Girls’ Amateur Championship
  • Australian Boys’ Amateur Championship
  • Australian Girls’ Interstate Teams Matches
  • Australian Boys’ Interstate Teams Matches
  • Women and Men’s Interstate Teams Matches

Additionally, the South Australian Amateur Classic & Rene Erichsen has been postponed. We will endeavour to find a suitable date for this later in 2020 however we also accept that this may not be possible hence the event may not be played in 2020.
This decision was taken due to the significant amount of interstate travel that would have been required for participants, coaches, managers, spectators and staff to undertake in order to attend the events.
Until May 16, 2020, GA staff will provide remote support for any club-run event that we currently support and a club/facility elects to operate during this time. However, no GA staff member will attend the event in a working capacity.
There are many other events across the country that we have a significant involvement with, such as State Pennant competitions and various Order of Merit events. We will liaise with the relevant clubs to decide on the future of these events in the coming days.
Throughout this period of uncertainty, we wish to re-iterate that anyone who has entered an event that may still proceed is not compelled to play. Additionally, if participants are unwell, we ask that they do not compete in any events.
To be clear, Golf Australia is not advocating for regular club competitions to cease and we are encouraging that these continue. Rather, we have sought to act on events where we believe the significant travel requirements involved posed a greater risk than the regular act of competition golf.
Golf Australia – staff update
All Golf Australia staff will work from home starting Wednesday, March 18 until Tuesday, March 31. If there is any change in these dates, we will advise all clubs and facilities closer to that date.
We will still be contactable via regular means such as phone and e-mail, and our reception phone will be diverted to ensure all incoming calls are answered.
As previously noted, the virus and potential implications are changing constantly and we will continue to monitor accordingly, and provide updates to clubs and facilities as regularly as required, or alternatively when additional Federal Government updates are announced.
For further information from the Federal Government on COVID-19, the Coronavirus Health Information Line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 020 080.
If you require additional information or have questions please do not hesitate to contact Golf Australia on (03) 9626 5000 or
Kind regards,
Golf Australia

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