17th January 2020
More Concrete Pathways

Works will commence shortly to construct more concrete pathways as part of the Clubs commitment to further improvements on the golf course.
At its January Board meeting the Board formally approved $26,664 to construct concrete pathways from the 14th green to both the men’s and ladies tees on the 15th. Members will be aware of the priority, particularly in winter to address access pathways around the 14th green and 15th tees.
The Board also approved further funding of $14,472 to extend the existing concrete pathways off the 1st and 10th tees to avoid a repeat of the bog conditions experienced this winter at the point where the existing paths join the fairways.
Course Superintendent Nathan Eager plans to complete the concrete paths in March 2020, well ahead of next winter. The Board wishes to acknowledge the work done by both Golf Committees in finalising the approvals and ensuring the best outcome is achieved for these important golf course upgrades.