9th November 2019
2020 Vic Four-Ball Championship

For over two decades and counting, the Vic Four-Ball has provided golfers with the chance to test their game on some of the state’s best country and metropolitan golf courses.
The Championship will return for 2020 with 21 qualifying rounds and entries are now open.
Preferences for metropolitan venues will remain open until 5pm Tuesday 10 December. Venue allocations will be available after Friday 13 December.
For the first time in 2020 a discounted rate of $60 will be offered to host club members at regional qualifying venues. Both players must be members of the host club to be eligible for the discounted rate.
Also new in 2020, Golf Australia will be giving away a pair of Bushnell Excell GPS rangefinder watches to one lucky pair. To go into the draw, introduce a new pair to Vic Four-Ball Championship and simply note the names of the new pair in the entry process.
Scrollable Metropolitan Qualifying Venues
$140 per pair Monday 6 Jan Commonwealth
Tuesday 14 Jan Kingston Heath Tuesday 28 Jan Woodlands Monday 3 Feb Southern Friday 14 Feb Cranbourne Thursday 20 Feb Keysborough Monday 24 Feb Gardiners Run Friday 28 Feb Club Mandalay Scrollable |
Scrollable |
28th October 2019
23rd October 2019
Notice to Members:

The Warragul Country Club held its AGM on Monday 21st October and I wish to advise Members of important decisions resolved at the AGM.
Life Membership
Bob Vaughan was elected as a Life Member of the Club. Bob has served 19 terms as Chairman at the Warragul Country Club and he has made a long and outstanding contribution to the Club. A copy of the Statement of Service that accompanied Bob’s nomination for Life Membership is attached for those Members who wish to read more on Bob’s contribution to the Club. The Board extends its congratulations to Bob on receiving this prestigious award.
Results of Board Elections
Kaye Rollinson was elected as Chairperson of the Warragul Country Club. Kaye has served on the Board since 2015 and is excited by the prospect of leading such a well-regarded and progressive Club. Kaye acknowledged the great legacy left by Bob Vaughan and was looking forward to working with the Board and Management to further develop that legacy.
Danny Answerth was elected to the Director position vacated as a consequence of Bob’s Vaughan’s retirement from the Board. Danny has been a long term member of the Club and is looking forward to joining the Board of such a successful and well regarded Club.
Current Directors Jim Kennedy and Chris Harrison were elected for a further two year term.
Statement of Service ~ Bob Vaughan
Michael Hodge
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Bob responding to his life membership | Bob being presented his Life Membership badge by nominee Paul Mitchell | Outgoing Chairman Bob being presented with a gift for him & wife Barb from newly elected Chairperson Kaye Rollinson |
22nd October 2019
Men's Golf Annual General Meeting ~Monday 11th November

Notice is hereby given that the 2019 MENS’ GOLF CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Members will be held at the Clubhouse on
Monday 11th NOVEMBER 2019 at 7:30pm
for the following purposes:
1. To confirm the Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
2. To receive and adopt the 2018 Annual Report of the President, Captain and other relevant reports.
- To consider and vote on any Motions with Notice that may be properly brought forward in regard to the Men’s Golf Rules.
- To elect the following Officers of the Club.
Nominations for
President (2 years)
Vice President (2 Years)
Captain (1 Year)
1 Committee Member (2 Years)
Secretary (2 Years)
All Nominations for Committee Positions and Motions with Notice for the Meeting will close with the Country Club CEO (or representative), at 6:00pm on Monday 28th OCTOBER.
They will be displayed on the notice boards in the Clubhouse after this date.
Copies of the 2018/2019 Men’s Golf Annual Report will be available for collection from Reception from Saturday 9th November 2019.
The Report will also be distributed at the Annual General Meeting.
Voting will commence at 9am on Monday 4th November 2019 and will close at 7:30pm on Monday 11th November 2019.
Apologies will be accepted by the Manager prior to the AGM.
16th October 2019
Annual General Meeting Agenda

Reminder to Member’s that Monday 21st October is our Club AGM. To be held in the Camus Cross Room from 7:30pm
Agenda is as follows:-
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation of Minutes ot the AGM held 22nd October 2018
4. Business Arising from previous Meeting
5. Annual Reports for Financial Year ended 30th June 2019
6. Notice of Motion
6.1 Amendment to Rule 3.4.1 relating to Life Member
7. Life Membership
7.1 Nomination to elect Robert Vaughan as a Life Member
8. Election of Board Members
8.1 Kaye Rollinson – Chairman
Danny Answerth – Director
Chris Harrison – Director
Jim Kennedy – Director
8.2 As there are 4 nominees for 4 positions, no election is required. Motion that the above 4 nominees be accepted as Directors and Chairman of the Board for a term of 2 years.
9. Appointment of Auditors
10. General Business