16th October 2019
Annual General Meeting Agenda

Reminder to Member’s that Monday 21st October is our Club AGM. To be held in the Camus Cross Room from 7:30pm
Agenda is as follows:-
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation of Minutes ot the AGM held 22nd October 2018
4. Business Arising from previous Meeting
5. Annual Reports for Financial Year ended 30th June 2019
6. Notice of Motion
6.1 Amendment to Rule 3.4.1 relating to Life Member
7. Life Membership
7.1 Nomination to elect Robert Vaughan as a Life Member
8. Election of Board Members
8.1 Kaye Rollinson – Chairman
Danny Answerth – Director
Chris Harrison – Director
Jim Kennedy – Director
8.2 As there are 4 nominees for 4 positions, no election is required. Motion that the above 4 nominees be accepted as Directors and Chairman of the Board for a term of 2 years.
9. Appointment of Auditors
10. General Business