News Archive

30th July 2019

#DoingItForJarrod Day

#DoingItForJarrod Day

Saturday 17th August the Warragul Country Club will be proudly supporting the #DoingItForJarrod day, where the Challenge Foundation has asked Golf Clubs to nominate a day in their calendar to donate towards Challenge.  Players will be asked for a Gold Coin donation at time of registration.
We are asking all players (male & female) to show their support by wearing something yellow on the day.
We hope that we can get some nice weather and fill the timesheet on the 17th.
Jarrod’s Story

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28th July 2019

Gippsland BMW Pro Am nominated Pro Am of The Year

Gippsland BMW Pro Am nominated Pro Am of The Year

We are very pleased to announce that Warragul Country Club and the Gippsland BMW Warragul Country Club Pro Am have been named a finalist for the 2018/19 Victorian PGA Pro Am of the Year (Regional) Award.
Along with 3 other regional Pro Am’s, Warragul was shortlisted from over 20 regional events.  A very good achievement in itself.
Representatives from the Country Club & Gippsland BMW will be attending the Victorian Golf Industry Awards Dinner to be held at The Arts Centre Melbourne on Friday 9th August, 2019, when the winner will be announced.
Stay tuned………

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12th July 2019

Bunker Do's & Don'ts

Bunker Do's & Don'ts

Over the past few months, there has been quite a few questions raised about the condition of our bunkers and how they are raked by golfers during competition & social play.
Please click on this short 4 minute video to see how best to rake & maintain bunkers.
There is a bit of a fallacy about the style of bunker rake that we use.  But the problem is more likely to be the way that the bunkers are raked, rather than the rakes themselves.
Thank you to Kingston Heath GC for the use of their video

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8th July 2019

New Club CEO: Michael Hodge

New Club CEO:  Michael Hodge

The Board are very pleased to announce the appointment of new club Chief Executive Officer:  Michael Hodge, commencing 11th August.
Michael is a local, and former golf member, and already knows many of the members and staff.  Michael comes to the club with a wealth of experience as Chief Executive of the Pakenham Racing Club for more than 10 years, which includes the new Tynong racing complex, and 2 hospitality clubs; the Cardinia Club and the Officer Club.
Please welcome Michael to the Club
Bob Vaughan

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3rd July 2019

Competition Fee Increase

Competition Fee Increase

Dear Members,
Competition Fees for the 2019/20 financial year will be $9.  The $9 fee will include entry into the daily competition as well as entry into all NTP’s on each of the par 3’s.
9 Hole Comps will increase to $5.
These changes to come into effect from Saturday 6th July 2019.
The optional Mystery 6 & Pro Pin’s will remain at $1 each.

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