News Archive

10th September 2024

Callaway Fitting Event

Callaway Fitting Event

We are holding a Callaway Fitting Event on Tuesday 1st October 2024. Appointments are available with a professional club fitter from 12pm to 4pm. 


A custom fitting is one of the most important aspects of improving your game. A professional club fitter will work with you to find everything from the right head models, lofts, flex, shafts and weights for you. You’ll leave the fitting feeling confident with equipment that’s customised to your game.

Book your custom Callaway fitting session online via the timesheet or contact the Pro Shop on (03) 5623 2353. Bookings are essential.


Lee & Craig
Your Club Certified PGA Professionals
Warragul Country Club

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10th September 2024

Titleist Fitting Event

Titleist Fitting Event

We are holding a Titleist Fitting Event on Thursday 26th September 2024. Appointments are available with a professional club fitter from 12pm to 5pm. 


A custom fitting is one of the most important aspects of improving your game. A professional club fitter will work with you to find everything from the right head models, lofts, flex, shafts and weights for you. You’ll leave the fitting feeling confident with equipment that’s customised to your game.

Book your custom Titleist fitting session online via the timesheet or contact the Pro Shop on (03) 5623 2353. Bookings are essential.


Lee & Craig
Your Club Certified PGA Professionals
Warragul Country Club

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4th September 2024

Course Open

Course Open

Management is pleased to inform Members that the golf course is now open after a huge cleanup effort by staff and Members. On Sunday night/Monday morning, the course suffered major damage as a result of the severe storm that struck Warragul and surrounds. 

I would like to thank our course staff and Members who volunteered their time over the past few days to assist with the clean-up of the golf course, making it safe to re-open. We are extremely lucky at Warragul to have Members step in when we need you most and I would like to thank all of you who assisted us in this operation.

Heath Jones                                                                               Shaun Taylor
Director Of Golf                                                                          Course Superintendent  
Warragul Country Club                                                              Warragul Country Club


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3rd September 2024

Jarrod Lyle Day

Jarrod Lyle Day

Jarrod Lyle was an Australian golfer from country Victoria. Jarrod was diagnosed with cancer three times throughout his life and died in 2018 at age 36. Jarrod claimed two professional victories throughout his career, both in 2008 at the Mexican Open and Knoxville Open and had a career-high USPGA ranking of 196.

Jarrod Lyle was a lifelong ambassador for Challenge. With his passing, Jarrod’s gift to Challenge was his wish to raise ongoing funds to support children and families living with cancer.

To honour Jarrod, Challenge and the PGA of Australia united to create an annual nationwide fundraising campaign that is enjoyed by the entire golfing community.

Our competition day on Saturday 21st September will be used to raise funds for #DoingItForJarrod.

We encourage all our Members to wear something yellow in honor of Jarrod and the Challenge Foundation.

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2nd September 2024

Course Closed / Volunteers Required

Course Closed / Volunteers Required

After a course inspection by ourselves today, we feel with the necessary clean up required, the course will be unplayable for the next few days. Further to that, the potential of many members lending their support to clean up will make conditions unsafe for golfers and non golfers together to be on course.

Sunday nights storm and the continued strong winds today have created unsafe conditions for the course staff to attempt any clean up so we have made the decision to keep the course closed until the cleanup is sufficient.

We are asking any members who might be available to help out the course staff with the clean up tomorrow to help return the course to a playable state.

If you have a spare couple of hours on Tuesday from 8:00am, and you have a rake, we could use your assistance to remove all the fallen debris that line the fairways and surrounds. We would appreciate if Members would drive up to the Course Maintenance sheds and await instructions from Shaun and his staff, don’t head straight out on course.

For those with a ute or access to a trailor, that would be a great help also.

The Clubhouse and Pro shop will be open for the day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Heath Jones                                                  Shaun Taylor

Director of Golf                                              Course Superintendent


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