News Archive

4th April 2024

Scorecard Local Rules & Map

Scorecard Local Rules & Map

Warragul Country Club Local Rules

These rules are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf and temporary Local Rules


  1. All ground beyond the club’s boundary fences.
  2. The internal carparks. 



  • All garden beds
  • Deep wheel ruts in the general area

“Staked trees and shrubs are NO PLAY ZONES and are ground under repair (the GUR includes the state and any wrapping).”

Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to putting greens.  In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is: on the player’s line of play, and is within two club-lengths of the putting green, and is within two club-lengths of the ball.  (Exception – There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.)”


  • Artificially surfaced roads, pathways and walkways including raised surface banks on the 3rd, 4th, 6th & 8th holes
  • Gravel road and surrounds of maintenance shed
  • All fixed sprinkler heads, GUR stakes, cart directional signs, ropes, satellite stations, sand bins, benches, fixed signs and fences behind 8th & 9th tee and toilet blocks

Relief for ball in Penalty area when playing holes 3 & 4.
If a player does not know whether their ball is in the penalty area on holes 3 & 4, the player may play a provisional ball under Rule 18.3.
Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for a breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty.
(Stroke play – two strokes, match play – loss of hole).

Warragul Country Club Temporary Local Rules (as at 21/02/25)


All cart directional signs, stakes & ropes are to be treated as TIO’s.  Relief from a TIO is normally allowed when there is a physical interference or line of sight interference & the player can take “either Side relief” option.

Definition of TIO: A temporary immovable obstruction (TIO) is a structure that is temporarily added on or next to the course, usually for a particular competition, and is fixed or not readily movable.

Relief from cart path edges

Any ball coming to rest in new seeded or turf areas close to cart paths are entitled to relief under GUR.

Relief from Tree Roots in Fairway

If a player’s ball is at rest in a portion of the general area cut to fairway height or less and there is interference from exposed tree roots that are in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the tree roots are treated as ground under repair. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b.
(Stroke play – two strokes, match play – loss of hole).

Bare Patches

If a player’s ball comes to rest in a bare area on closely mown areas of the fairways, greens and aprons of greens it is to be treated as GUR and players may seek relief. Rule 33-2 and 33-8.
-on a fairway or apron a player may seek relief by lifting and dropping the ball within one club length no nearer the hole.
-on a Green a player may seek relief by lifting their ball and placing it away from the damaged area no nearer the hole

Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for a breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty.
(Stroke play – two strokes, match play – loss of hole).


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4th April 2024

Special General Meeting & Golf Committees

Special General Meeting & Golf Committees

I wish to advise Members that it was resolved to approve the amalgamation of the Men’s and Women’s Golf Committee at the Special General Meeting of Members, held on Monday 18th March 2024.

Consumer Affairs Victoria have now confirmed their acceptance of the amendment to the Club Rules. Based on the above, the Warragul Country Club Board met on Thursday 28th March 2024 and resolved to appoint the new joint Golf Committee under Rule 13.2.3.

The current Men’s and Women’s Golf Committees will each conduct their final meeting this month (April 2024), where they will elect four male and four female representatives to form the new Golf Committee.

The new Golf Committee will conduct their inaugural meeting in April 2024.

The Board looks forward to the establishment and operation of the new Golf Committee and believes that one Golf Committee is more efficient and will further improve communication and more timely decision making.

To further assist with this objective, the following key appointments will join the Golf Committee.

  • Board Representative – Glenn Chenoweth
  • Course Superintendent – Shaun Taylor
  • Director of Golf and Committee Secretary – Heath Jones

Once the Men’s & Women’s Golf Committees have each elected their four representatives to form the new Golf Committee at a total of eight, I will inform Members.

Members are further advised that the current By Laws relating to the operation of the Golf Committee require an election to be held in October 2024 (and then annually) where Members will vote and elect the Golf Committee in accordance with those By Laws.    

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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3rd April 2024

OBrien Real Estate Clark Warragul Classic 2024

OBrien Real Estate Clark Warragul Classic 2024

The Warragul Classic is back for 2024 and will be held on Saturday 13th and Saturday 20th April 2024.

Play – 
Both days will be a traditional Saturday two tee timesheet.  Presentations will follow both days play.

Played as a Medley 4BBB Stableford, the three Divisions are:

  • Men’s
  • Women’s 
  • Mixed 

Entry Fees  $15 per person

Handicap – The handicap used in the First Round for both players will remain the same throughout the Classic.

The pair with the best total score over the two rounds will be crowned the O’Brien Real Estate Clark Warragul Classic winners for 2024.

This is a Member exclusive event with fantastic prizes to be won!

Entrants will receive a gift upon registration.

Please note you do not need to play both days to be eligible for daily prizes. 

Timesheets will open eight days prior to the 13th & 20th April.

This event is proudly sponsored by OBrien Real Estate Clark, your local family owned and operated real estate professionals. If you are interested in the current rental or sales market price of your property one of their agents will be happy to give you an appraisal. 


The Warragul Classic is proudly sponsored by OBrien Real Estate Clark.

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3rd April 2024

Annelie de Villiers Hole In One

Annelie de Villiers Hole In One

A big congratulations to 2023 Club Champion, Annelie De Villiers, who hit a hole in one on the 19th hole on Easter Monday!

Annelie won the $1,815 hole in one prize pool for her outstanding shot as well as recognition on the Club’s Honor Board. 

Annelie is the fourth person to hit a hole in one at the Warragul Country Club in this year. 

Well done Annelie, keep up the good golf!


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29th March 2024

Easter Trading Hours

Easter Trading Hours

Friday 29th March

  • Clubhouse is open from 12pm to 2am
  • Golf Course & Pro Shop is open from 7.00am to 6pm

Saturday 30th March

  • Clubhouse is open from 9am to 2am
  • Golf Course & Pro Shop is open from 7.00am to 6pm

Sunday 31st March

  • Clubhouse is open from 10am to 1am
  • Golf Course & Pro Shop is open from 7.00am to 6pm

Monday 1st April

  • Clubhouse is open from 9am to 2am (Bistro closed)
  • Golf Course & Pro Shop is open from 7.00am to 6pm

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