News Archive

22nd July 2020

Front Entrance Design

Front Entrance Design

Thanks to a generous donation from our Women’s Golf Committee,  with their endorsment the Club have decided to give our front entrance roundabout a much needed facelift.
We engaged the services of a landscape designer to cover the brief from the Women’s Golf Committee, which will commence shortly thanks to Nathan and his team.
For any Members who would like to salvage any of the current rose bushes , feel free to come and start collecting.
Please see below for the lansdcape illustrations.

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20th July 2020

Mobile Sand Box

Mobile Sand Box

On Saturday 18th June, golfers would have noticed a new fixture out on the 18th tee we are trialing.
On certain Par 3’s throughout the week, the “mobile” sandbox will be situated on the tee to encourage golfers to fill in their divots.
Remember, by filling in divots now, this will only make the regrowth of grass so much easier when the better weather arrives in a few months time.

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20th July 2020

Golf Carts on Council Land

Golf Carts on Council Land

Golf Carts on Council Land

Members are advised of the following By Law 3.9.(1) which states:
“A person must not, without a permit, use a recreational vehicle on any council land or reserve unless the council land has been prescribed for that purpose”

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17th July 2020

MiScore App Update @ Warragul Country Club

MiScore App Update @ Warragul Country Club
Warragul Country Club has enabled self-score submission in the MiScore app!
This feature will not significantly change the current process of scoring for yourself and your playing partner. However, at the end of the round, after you have confirmed your scores are correct, you will submit your own score instead of your playing partner’s.
Verbal approval from your playing partner is required prior to submitting your score. To avoid physical contact, you can initial the signature field for your playing partner with their approval. The competition system will then receive your score and a copy of the score that you recorded for your playing partner.
Should your playing partner be using a paper scorecard, they will score as normal.

*Login to the MiScore app using your member login for your Club website.

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8th July 2020

Stage 3 Restrictions: Country Membership

Stage 3 Restrictions: Country Membership

On Tuesday the Victorian Premier announced that metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire will return to stage 3 restrictions from 11:59pm on Wednesday 8 July 2020.
While this lockdown excludes the Baw Baw Shire and the Club’s current operations, it does impact our operations in relation to our Members who reside in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire.
To help protect our Members and staff, all patrons who enter the venue are now required to fill out a customer registration form in the reception foyer, prior to entering the Clubhouse. This comes after the Premier indicated that operators in Regional Victoria may reasonably request identification and, where appropriate, refuse service to patrons from metropolitan areas.
As of 11:59pm tonight, Country 6 & 7 day Membership categories will be blocked from entering timesheets online. This is to assist the club in its compliance with the new Government directives.
Unfortunately this block will also affect Country Members who reside outside of the metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire areas. This means that any Country Members who are not affected by the stage 3 restrictions will be unable to book online and will need to contact the Pro Shop directly to make bookings over the next 6 weeks.
Please note that all Country Members who reside in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire have been removed from all open timesheets.
On behalf of the Board & Management of the Warragul Country Club, we thank our Members for their continued support of the Club and for those Country Members impacted by these latest Directions, we look forward to seeing you all back very soon.
Michael Hodge
Chief Executive Officer
Warragul Country Club

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