News Archive

8th May 2020

New Virtual Lottery Booking Method

New Virtual Lottery Booking Method
Members now select ‘Join Draw’ underneath the Locked timesheet status within 30 minutes of timesheet open, there will also be a new countdown timer.  The draw closes at 00:10 seconds to run the lottery to order all the draw participants.
When the timer hits 00:00 the first five participants in the lottery go into the timesheet to make a booking, all others will get a ticket in the queue to enter the timesheet when those ahead have completed their booking.  This may add a few minutes to the overall draw but will best replicate a lucky draw at the club.
By only allowing 5 members in the timesheet at a time, members have far better chance of selecting an available tee time as the timesheet is virtually live. A member that has access to the timesheet has 90 seconds to select a tee-time before the next person in the queue is admitted to the timesheet.  Once the member selects a tee time they have three minutes to complete a booking.
The benefits of the ‘Lottery’ are

  • No more fastest click wins
  • Your device or internet speed will not affect your entry in the draw
  • Random draw for all
  • Fairer for all as resembles a traditional members draw here at the club
  • There’s less chance you will be rejected with ‘Row Taken’

Here are the steps for a PC user

1. Select Join Draw

2. Wait for Timer and stay on that screen


3. Your position in the queue

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Q. If I am first to hit Join Draw do I go straight into the timesheet
A. No sorry you will have to wait until the random lottery of members that also select Join Draw.
Q. When can I select Join Draw
A. For PC users up to 30 minutes prior to timesheet opening. ie between 10 seconds and 30 minutes prior.
Q. I have a slow internet speed, will I miss out.
A. No you have as much chance as everyone that enters the draw.
Q. Previously I would get constantly get ‘Row Locked by Another User’ and that was frustrating
A. There are now only up to five members in the timesheet when it is your turn to book, if you were lucky you will have the hole timesheet to select.  If not lucky you will be able to select the remaining available rows without being rejected.
Q. I’m on a mobile device I can;t see Join Draw
A. For mobile device users that have the optimised mobile web site just select the timesheet and as long as you are within the 30 minutes of the draw closing you have Joined Draw.
Q. I’ve heard members using multiple devices and browsers to better their chance of getting a ticket in the draw.
A. Before lottery that was possible, not really fair on others though. Now you can only Join Draw once, try it more than once and you or they might not get a ticket in the draw.
Q. Can I a stay in and add more players after I have my added my group.
A. No you only get one ticket and group to book and there are others in the queue so please be mindful of your fellow members.
Q. I got to number 1 in the queue then it pushed me way back, what happened.
A. Sorry about that but browsers and devices all work in weird ways, you may have jumped on too early and your session timed out or your browser/device weren’t compatible.  We find lottery works best using the Google Chrome browser or clear your browsing history and start afresh next time.  The browsers save cookies and try and use those cookies to load pages faster.  Sometimes those cookies are older versions of the system.
Q. How long do I have to select a time
A. You have 60 seconds to select a tee time before the next person comes in, so the quicker you select a time the better your chances of getting a preferred time.
Q. How long do I have to complete a booking
A. You have three minutes to complete the booking of yourself and/or playing partners.
Q. Can I use my playing partners and default list to book partners
A. Yes, no change there but if you clubs has only two names per time you will need to remove two names form default playing group.

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6th May 2020

Re-Opening of the Golf Course

Re-Opening of the Golf Course

Dear Members,
I am writing in anticipation of the current Government restrictions potentially being eased on Monday 11th May 2020. As such, we are making preparations to re-open the course to Members on Tuesday 12th May 2020, conditional on Government restrictions being eased.
Timesheets for Tuesday 12th to Sunday 17th May will open at 1pm on Friday 8th May 2020. All timesheets from Monday 18th May onwards will open 8 days prior to play at 1pm as normal.
As we don’t wish to overload the booking system, timesheet bookings will open on Friday 8th May with 15 minute intervals available for booking times. The schedule is noted below.
Tuesday 12th – 1:00pm
Wednesday 13th – 1:15pm
Thursday 14th – 1:30pm
Friday 15th – 1:45pm
Saturday 16th – 2:00pm
Sunday 17th – 2:15pm
In anticipation of the Government easing restrictions on Monday 11th May, we are assuming that golf courses will be reopened under the definition of “outdoor recreation facilities” and as such, for exercise only.  At this point in time, it is social golf only.  This decision will be reviewed by the Golf Committees on 13th May to consider golf competition play.
The following guidelines for booking and playing golf at the Club during the COVID-19 pandemic are below. These guidelines have been developed to ensure the health and safety of the Members and Staff, and to adhere to Government health regulations during this period.
Please note if golf restrictions are not lifted on Monday 11th May, then Members who have booked to play from Tuesday 12th May will be informed by email of the cancellation of their booking.

  • No walk-up starts are permitted at any time. Timesheet bookings only.
  • Members to book online or phone Pro Shop.
  • Bookings in groups of two (2).
  • One-tee start with seven (7) minute intervals. Bookings from 7:00am – 4:00pm.
  • This is to alleviate crowds gathering around the Pro Shop and practice areas.
  • All play will start from the 10th TEE (allowing 9 hole options a better alternative)
  • Members may book for themselves and one other Member.
  • Open Timesheets will be operational on all days- no gender specific timesheets or days.
  • The course will be open to WCC Golf Members only, strictly no guests or visitors are permitted.
  • The last tee time is 4pm after which time the tee will be closed. Tee off is not permitted after this time.
  • We encourage Members who are available to play weekdays should do so, to allow Members who are still working access to the course on the weekend.


  • The Pro Shop will open and operate as per normal
  • Members should not arrive any earlier than 15 minutes prior to their tee off time.
  • All players to check in with Pro Shop before teeing off.
  • Maintain a 1.5 metre distance between patrons.
  • 6 people (including pro shop staff) so we adhere to 1 person per four square meters.
  • No Cash Transactions – Card Only – Tap & Go Preferred.
  • Membership Cards will not be swiped during transactions at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience.
  • Members should leave immediately after their round has concluded.
  • BYO Alcohol is not permitted on the Club grounds; however, Members may purchase (unopened) the usual beverages from the Pro Shop to take on the course.
  • Coffee, Sandwiches & limited Hot Food will be available to purchase


  • All practice facilities will remain closed, including the driving range & practice nets. This is to ensure Members do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to tee off.
  • The putting green will be open for practice putting for no more than 10 minutes prior to play.
  • The Clubhouse will remain closed.
  • The Locker room and on-course toilets will be open.
  • Golf lessons will be available adhering to social distancing restrictions.
  • Members must always adhere to the social distancing rule, to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19 to other Members and/or the Staff.
  • Members must not attend the Club unless they have a golf booking.
  • No Members golf clubs or golf buggies can be stored at the Club. (Locker rooms, Pro Shop)

A restriction of 1 person per golf cart is necessary to adhere to social distancing directions of 1.5m.  This applies to both Club and privately owned carts.  Again, these are measures we must comply with, to minimise the risk of infection.
This will place a greater demand on our golf cart fleet so please if you require a golf cart make sure that you book it in advance with the Pro Shop.
Exception: Family members may ride together.

  • Rakes have been removed from all bunkers on course. As a result, a preferred lie of a card length (no nearer the hole) will apply in bunkers.
  • Players will be requested to smooth bunkers using their feet or a club after they have played their shot.
  • The committees have agreed to have no flag sticks at this time. This is to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
  • You are not permitted to bring your own flag to indicate pin location.
  • A ball at rest in the hole will be considered to be holed even if it is not entirely below the level of the hole or bounces out.
  • Sand buckets are to be emptied after your round and kept with you to help manage the health & safety of all members.
  • No pull carts available. Members should bring their own pull carts or carry their clubs.

Members are reminded that they should not enter the Club grounds if they are feeling unwell.
We ask all members to please download the COVIDSafe app as part of our work to slow the spread of COVID-19. Having confidence we can find and contain outbreaks quickly will mean governments can ease restrictions while still keeping Australians safe.
Our staff do not have discretion to vary any of the guidelines set out in this communication.  Members who do not adhere to the required guidelines may be subject to having their timesheet privileges removed.  While we understand that there are many restrictions to adhere to, we do this in the best interest of everyone. As always, we are grateful for the support of all the Members during these trying times.
It is wonderful to be able to offer Members the possibility of playing golf once again and we thank you all for your patience and understanding during the closure.
We are indeed very lucky to have such a wonderful Membership that is supportive of the decisions that Management and both Committees are required to make in the best interest of the Club and its Members.
* These restrictions will be reviewed regularly to ensure they are compliant with COVID-19 National and State Health Compliance requirements and may be subject to amendment at very short notice.
Yours in Golf,
Heath Jones
Director of Golf
Warragul Country Club

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4th May 2020

Message from the Chairperson, Treasurer & CEO

Message from the Chairperson, Treasurer & CEO

Dear Members,
Over the past couple of weeks, the Board and Management Team have been busy dealing with the many implications of the shutdown of our Golf Club due to COVID -19.   This includes actions to ensure that the Club can exit from these unprecedented times in the best possible shape.   These include:

  • Working with our suppliers to reduce our financial exposure during this time, including reducing operating costs to a minimum.
  • Understanding and projecting our Club’s cash flow position under a non-operating scenario and formulating appropriate strategies with our Bank.
  • Advocating to Government & Golf Australia to be able to utilize the golf course for the purpose of social play, exercise and better mental health outcomes.
  • Deferral of capital projects such as the bitumen path from 14th green to 15th . Construction of the short game facility in Spring, is subject to ongoing review.
  • Facilitating Job Keeper payments for 73 of our eligible staff who have been formally “stood down” and using this opportunity to carry out maintenance, cleaning and other important activities around the venue and golf course. This will also include continuation of our 10/10 customer service staff training program prior to recommencement of venue operations.

In respect to the financial position of the Club, a total shut down of operations has a two-part financial impact.  The first is the circa $1.4mill of annual cash profit that the Club typically generates.  That is circa $120,000 per month.   The second part is the cost of shutdown of operations and that is approx. $40,000 a month made up of fixed costs that the Club must still incur.    As such, the financial impact to the Club is approx. $160,000 per month for each month of shutdown.
To properly address these above cash flow challenges, the ANZ Bank has been supportive and we await approval of a new loan facility of $550,000 at a commercially competitive interest rate.   Cash flow projections that underpin this request have been prepared on a conservative basis of the shutdown lasting 6 months.
Regarding the reopening of the Club, the Chief Medical Officer has indicated restrictions will not be eased before 11 May 2020.  We are therefore planning for a return to golf on 12 May 2020.  Representatives of the Board / Management and the two golf committees met 1 May 2020 to determine all the terms and conditions that will apply upon recommencement of Golf for Club Members only.   These details will be published on the Golf Members website & via email this Wed 6 May 2020.
If we are to recommence golf please remember that social distancing rules are still important.  Consistent with this, we recommend that Members download the coronavirus app.  This will assist in tracing if there is a case in the local community.  Get tested even if you have mild symptoms and self-isolate until you have your test results.
Stay safe and see you back at the Club soon.
Kaye, Chris and Michael

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28th April 2020

Vale~Geoff Duncan

Vale~Geoff Duncan

The Board wishes to advise Members of the unfortunate passing of long time Club Member Geoff Duncan.  Geoff was well known in the Gippsland community where he worked and established many friendships as a local Accountant.  It was however his prowess on the golf course, where he established a reputation as a brilliant player during a long and distinguished career studded with highlights.
Geoff won the Warragul Golf Club Championship on 7 occasions which included a trifecta of wins in 1969, 70 and 71.  At Regional level, Geoff represented the Club with distinction.  He was a Pennant Player for 25 years and was a regular Country Week Player on 10 separate occasions and in 1968 he was Gippsland Champion.
Geoff’s contribution to the Club was not confined to the golf course.  He served on the Club Committee and as the Club’s Treasurer for 9 years.  A passionate golfer and long serving Golf Club Member who made an outstanding contribution to our Club both off and on the golf course.  The Club extends its sincere condolences to Sue and the family.
Michael Hodge                                           
Chief Executive Officer

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28th April 2020

New works

New works

Thank you to one of our wonderful sponsors & supporters of the club, Jeff Herdman, for his most recent contribution out the front of the Pro Shop.
As this is a high traffic area for golf carts, it was suggested by Jeff to lay some sythentic turf down to combat the wear & tear.
WOW, what a difference!
Thank you to Jeff, Tim Nooy, Vin Walkinshaw and of course our own Nathan Eager for their hardwork throughtout the day.


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